Picture two identical plastic food containers sitting side-by-side in a manufacturing plant overseas. While made in the same location, they have very different destinations, leaving them a world apart. One will journey across oceans and land to stock shelves in Texas, while the other will travel just five miles to a local grocery store in that country. Though seemingly twins, these containers tell a story of stark contrasts in how plastic food packaging navigates the complex maze of global vs. US markets. It’s important to know the true cost of plastic food packaging in America vs. overseas. Especially if you just saw a food package made abroad that looks very similar to the more expensive option made domestically.  

This article compares these two options, showing you how to evaluate costs, quality, and logistics to make the right choice for your business. By the end, you will have a better idea of what you’re actually paying for.  

Now grab your passport, and let’s get to it. 

When Products Come to America  

If your US-based company wants to buy plastic food packaging products from overseas manufacturers, you should be aware of some common concerns such as quality, safety, cost, logistics, and labor. These issues are shared by products coming in from many industries. It’s important to take a deeper dive to have a more comprehensive understanding of why these issues are concerning. 

The Product Quality  

While US companies must legally deliver exactly what they promise (remember false advertising laws?), not all manufacturers in other countries are held to the same standard. They might send you something different from the sample you approved. Think of it like buying a pair of designer jeans on an auction site that sources from overseas. Two weeks later, you open the box only to discover that they are two sizes too small, and the brand name is “Frauda.” 

The plastic food packaging industry can be the same way. You may receive a prototype from an overseas manufacturer that seems high quality, but you’re not guaranteed to receive that level of quality when you receive your products.    

A cake in a clear plastic package


The US has strict safety regulations, especially in food packaging, to avoid contaminated containers that could negatively affect public health. An example is a chemical called bisphenol-A, better known as BPA. You’ve probably seen many domestic products advertised as “BPA-free.” There’s a good reason for this — researchers discovered that when you heat plastic containers containing BPA (like when you microwave your leftovers), this chemical can leak out into your food. That’s why manufacturers in the US now proudly announce when their products don’t contain this chemical. 

Other countries might not be as careful with testing. Also, consider all the places your packages have to travel, on land and by sea. How can you be certain that these areas were free of contaminants?  

 To protect your business, research the foreign manufacturer carefully and get everything in writing about exactly what you expect from them. Determining whether they adhere to these expectations may be next to impossible.   


You may be asking yourself, “Why should I buy my food containers from a manufacturer in the US when it’s so much cheaper to buy a similar product overseas?” You’re not wrong in wanting to save money for your business, but it’s important to consider what contributes to a higher cost.  coins stacked up

Because of the truth in marketing” laws, the US has high-quality standards for plastic food packaging safety and it requires rigorous testing. Thorough and consistent testing adds to the cost of the product. The cost of plastic food packaging in America includes these testing hurdles. 


This is where you really get your hands dirty. Getting your packages from one country to another isn’t easy. An overseas manufacturer can handle all the logistics themselves, which means dealing with ports, ships, and warehouses until it gets to you.  

Either way, the main goal is to ensure your product gets from point A to point B without getting stuck somewhere in between. 

An important factor to remember is shipping timelines. While shipping in the US may look like putting an item on a truck and driving it to the destination, several things can affect receiving your product from overseas. Political unrest or a port strike can postpone the time it takes to receive your product. A global event could also slow down the process. Remember how much the COVID-19 pandemic changed the world? 

If you receive an incorrect product, you will have to wait longer for the problem to be sorted out. 


Manufacturers in the US operate under strict labor laws to protect workers’ rights and ensure that employees receive fair wages and are given safe working conditions.  

Products made overseas often follow different standards than those made in America. When manufacturing happens abroad, it’s harder to verify worker conditions, safety practices, and fair wages. Buying from domestic manufacturers makes it easier to ensure products are made ethically and according to U.S. regulations. 

10 Important Questions to Ask When Considering International vs US Manufactured Products a series of question marks

You may still be on the fence about purchasing products from overseas vs. domestically. But before you do, ask yourself these questions: 

  1. What is my plan if I get a product that is different from what was advertised? 
  2. How do I know what quality of materials the manufacturer is using? 
  3. What documentation can I get to ensure that these products are safe to hold food for human consumption? 
  4. What recourse do I have if there are issues?  
  5. What are the price savings, and am I willing to take the risks?  
  6. Am I okay with the international shipping of these products and any potential delays?   
  7. How do I know that this product was made with ethical business practices? 
  8. Are there similar products that I can get in the US should there be long delays with an overseas manufacturer? 
  9. What is my plan if I get an incorrect volume shipment or products damaged in transport? 
  10. What do I do if my products are being held at a port? 

Home Sweet Home or Global Roam? 

cakes inside plastic packagingNow that you know what concerns you may face when choosing a foreign plastic food packaging manufacturer, the choice is yours. The true cost of plastic food packaging in America is reflected in the quality of the product. Knowing that strict guidelines are being adhered to in quality, safety, ethical work standards, and logistical flow for delivery are important to you, a US manufacturer may be right for you. If price is ultimately your bottom line, then grab your Carmen Sandiego backpack because a foreign manufacturer may be your best option. 

Need help with plastic packaging, whether you’re buying in the US or internationally? Finding the right fit for you is our priority, whether that’s Inline Plastics’ solutions or another option entirely. Questions? We’re always here to help. 
